Digestive Health & Digestion
Digestive Health - Latest information in digestive diagnosis, treatments & digestive health innovations in critical areas of colonoscopy, endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy,ERCP,hepatitis & more
The foods important to life are basically protein, carbohydrate and fat. But these nutrients are useless without the process of digestion. The breakdown of foods into small components to be absorbed for use--demonstrates how incredibly effective this process is. The digestive tract was designed to accomodate all manner of natural foods. There is reason and order in the process. For instance, food undergoing preliminary digestion in the stomach leaves through the pylorus to the small intestine in an organized manner: First, carbohydrate; second, protein and third, fat. This makes sense, since carbohydrate requires more splitting work in the small intestine and is first to leave the stomach. Much protein breakdown occurs in the stomach, so it is second to leave. Fat needs a lot of digestive action and takes the longest (especially in the small intestine), so it is reasonable that they travel the slowest. The digestive tract has a wonderful system worked out so that we don't have to even think about it other than feeding it good, wholesome and natural foods. Digestive system disorders develop when there is a problem in the normal functioning of digestion. Normally, the foods and liquids taken from the mouth are turned into nutrients and energy by the digestive system. It also eliminates the waste materials from the digested food. If there is any wrong functioning in this process, the food cannot be digested properly and would lead to any of the digestive disorder.
Do you suffer from digestion related health problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease, intestinal distress, gerd, dyspepsia, colitis, spastic bowel, spastic colon, intestinal gas, irritable colon, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), lactose intolerance or suffer symptoms such as nausea, heartburn, abdominal cramps, abdominal pain, stomach ache, nervous stomach and/or gas ( flatulence) constipation, loss of appetite, mucous in the stools, bloating and diarrhea ? Do you want to learn more about digestion system and digestive disorders? Information is only a click away at mydigestivehealth.com.
Digestive System, Digestion & Digestive Health
The human digestive system is a complex series of organs and glands that processes food. The function of the digestive system is to take the food and liquids that we put into our mouths and then either turn these foods and liquids into nutrients or energy needed by the cells of our body, or alternatively turn them into waste products that are then expelled by our body as bowel movements. It is a condition affecting the gastrointestinal tract, all organs from the mouth to the anus. The digestive system is made up of the digestive track a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus and other organs that help the body break down and absorb food. The digestive system is the series of tube like organs that convert our meals into body fuel. In all there's about 30 feet (9 meters) of these convoluted pipe works, starting with the mouth and ending with the anus. Food is ingested, reduced to particles, mixed with digestive fluids and digestive enzymes, and propelled through the digestive tract. Enzymes produced by the host animal and microbes indigenous to the digestive tract destroy harmful agents and convert food into a limited number of nutrients, which are selectively absorbed. The digestive systems of vertebrates show numerous structural and functional adaptations to their diet, habitat, and other characteristics. Carnivores, which feed exclusively on other animals, and species that feed on plant concentrates (seeds, fruit, nectar, pollen) tend to have the shortest and simplest digestive tract.
The digestive tract tends to be more complex in omnivores, which feed on both plants and animals, and most complex in herbivores, which feed principally on the fibrous portions of plants.
Digestion Process - Food Stomach Sliva Digestion |
The video above illustrate in a very simple, easy to understand and unique fashion how digestive system and digestion works. Animated diagram of the digestive tract highlights digestive organs from the time food enters through the mouth to elimination. Digestive system organs shown include the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, liver, bile ducts, gall bladder and colon or large intestine.
Best digestive health can be reached through nutrition. But in some cases hereditary conditions affect the digestive tract. Digestive system disorders will happen when there is a faulty function during the process of digestion which prevents some part of the digestive system from working as it should do. There are many common digestive disorders. Follow the digestive disorders links below to read more about causes, symptoms and treatment of this health disorders.
Digestive Diseases & Disorders
Information & Digestive Health Articles
Online digestion& Digestive Health Resources:
- Information and Articles About Digestion System and Digestive Health
- Alternative Medicine Therapies for Digestion Related/Other Health Disorders
- Health Issues Other Than Digestion and Digestive Disorders
- Digestive Disorders and Other Disease Information Center
- Important Books Conerning Digestion